Act Now

Take action now to support caregivers and create a more equitable longterm care system in Maryland! We have drafted letters and provided a script for you, so taking action will only take a few minutes.

Support the Safe Staffing

Maryland hospitals face critical staffing shortages, leading to high staff turnover and burnout, long wait times, and reduced quality of care. Maryland has the longest emergency room wait times in the country. Something needs to change. Take action now and tell your Maryland senators to support the Safe Staffing Act of 2025(HB 905/ SB 720).

Senator Pam Beidle is the Chair of the Finance Committee. If she doesn’t call a vote on the Safe Staffing Act, the bill will die in committee — keeping patients and healthcare workers at risk.

Call Senator Beidle now and urge her to call a vote on the SB720: Safe Staffing Act before it’s too late! We’ve provided a script to make it easy—your voice can help get this bill across the finish line!

Tell Maryland Lawmakers: Home Care Workers Deserve Fair Pay and Representation

The average annual salary of a home care worker in Maryland is only $28,124. One driver of low wages are low Medicaid reimbursement rates. The Interested Parties Advisory Group (IPAG), would give home care workers and the clients they care for a real voice in setting fair Medicaid rates to support the workforce.

Tell Maryland legislators to support IPAG. Home care workers deserve fair pay and a say in their future!

Oppose cuts to Maryland health programs

Maryland legislators are considering cuts to several health programs in Maryland that are funded by Medicaid as they consider ways to address the state's significant budget shortfall. These programs provide critical health services to some of the most vulnerable Maryland families, including people experiencing homelessness and immigrant parents and babies. Contact your state legislator today and urge them to reject these proposed cuts.